Monthly Archives: April 2007



Celebrating Poetry Month, we talk with Mark Eleveld about SPOKEN WORD REVOLUTION REDUX, a book-and-CD collection of verse from many poets, in the oral tradition.

And Anita Shreve talks about her new novel, BODY-SURFING.


Eesha Williams and Sefi Atta

Eesha Williams talks about his updated GRASSROOTS JOURNALISM: A Practical Manual. It’s just come out in paperback from Dollars and Sense Books.
And Nigerian novelist Sefi Atta talks about her EVERYTHING GOOD WILL COME. It was awarded the inaugural Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa.


Jeremy Scahill and Giuliana Sgrena

Jeremy Scahill, independent journalist and frequent contributor to Pacifica’s Democracy Now!, talks about his explosive new book, BLACKWATER: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. And Italian journalist, Giuliana Sgrena, talks about FRIENDLY FIRE: The Remarkable Story of a Journalist Kidnapped in Iraq, Rescued by an Italian Secret Service Agent, and Shot by U.S. Forces.


Writers on A Sense of Place, Part Two

The Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts is a region rich in history, natural beauty and writers who take the Valley as their subject. On March 21, 2007, five of those writers read selections from some of their works exploring a sense of place at the Buckland/Shelburne Community Center. Writer’s Voice was there…We’ll also be broadcasting excerpts from the readings on our radio broadcasts throughout the coming months. Continue reading