Monthly Archives: March 2011


Harvey Wasserman & Anna LappÁ©

Harvey Wasserman
Anna Lappe

Solar power booster and anti-nuclear activist Harvey Wasserman talks about his vision for a clean energy future, SOLARTOPIA. Anna LappÁ© talks about DIET FOR A HOT PLANET: The Climate Crisis At The End of Your Fork; it’s just out in paperback.

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Simon Winchester, ATLANTIC & Katharine Weber, TRIANGLE

Simon Winchester
Katharine Weber

Simon Winchester talks about his sweeping history of the Atlantic Ocean, ATLANTIC and on the 100th anniversary of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire we talk with Katharine Weber about her novel TRIANGLE.

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T.J. English

Journalist T.J. English talks about his new book, The Savage City: Race, Murder and a Generation on the Edge (Harper Collins, March 2011.) And for St. Patrick’s Day: Seamus Heaney’s poem Bogland, read by the poet.

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Shelley Carson and Stever Robbins: Being More Creative & Productive

Shelley Carson
Stever Robbins

Psychologist Shelley Carson talks about her book, Your Creative Brain and productivity expert Stever Robbins talks about his Get-It-Done Guy’s 9 Steps to Work Less and Do More.

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Web Extras

Shelley Carson on Gifted & Talented Programs

In this Web-only extra, Shelley Carson talks with Writers Voice host Francesca Rheannon about gifted and talented programs in the schools and what’s happening to them. The clip begins with a question from Francesca.


Poetry From The Right Brain – Jean Valentine

Jean Valentine

Poet Jean Valentine talks about her most recent poetry collection, BREAK THE GLASS (Copper Canyon Press, September 2010).  And, in an encore interview, Tracy Kidder talks about MOUNTAINS BEYOND MOUNTAINS.

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