
Fiction from Thrity Umrigar & Michael David Lukas & OWS Poetry

Michael David Lukas
Thrity Umrigar

Michael David Lukas talks about his novel, THE ORACLE OF STAMBOUL. It’s the story of a young girl of astonishing talents who changes the course of the Ottoman Empire. And Thrity Umrigar tells us about her new novel, THE WORLD WE FOUND. Four college friends from Bombay India reconnect decades later when one of them falls gravely ill — and find their lives profoundly changed. Continue reading


Annamarie Pluhar, Sharing Housing & Robin Zasio, The Hoarder in You

Dr. Robin Zasio
Annamarie Pluhar

Annamarie Pluhar talks about her book, SHARING HOUSING: A Guidebook to Finding and Keeping Good Housemates and psychologist Dr. Robin Zasio talks about her book, THE HOARDER IN YOU: How to Live a Happier, Healthier, Uncluttered Life. Continue reading


John Michael Greer, APOCALYPSE NOT & Richard Heinberg, THE END OF GROWTH

Richard Heinberg
John Michael Greer

John Michael Greer says the world will not end in 2012. His book is APOCALYPSE NOT. And Richard Heinberg tells us about the coming downsizing of civilization and what we can do to survive it. His book is THE END OF GROWTH. Continue reading


Top Ten Shows of 2011

Tahmima Anam
Teju Cole

We hear clips from five of the top ten shows of 2011, including novelists Tahmima Anam, and Teju Cole, journalist James Kaplan, memoirist Susan Rosenberg and marine ecologist Carl Safina. We also tell you about five other show episodes that made the list.

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Christian McEwen, WORLD ENOUGH & TIME and A Story for the Winter Solstice

Christian McEwen

Christian McEwen tells us about taking it slow in WORLD ENOUGH & TIME; we talk with Jane Brox about the evolution of artificial light; and we also hear a Winter Solstice story by host Francesca Rheannon, “The Food Philosophe”.

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Songwriters Katryna & Nerissa Nields & David Rovics

Nerissa & Katrina Shields
David Rovics

Folksinger sisters Katryna and Nerissa Nields talk about their terrific book and CD set, ALL TOGETHER SINGING IN THE KITCHEN. And topical singer-songwriter David Rovics tells us about writing “songs of social significance” and we listen to a few. Continue reading


James Workman, HEART OF DRYNESS & Christine Shearer, KIVALINA

James Workman
Christine Shearer

James Workman talks about his book, THE HEART OF DRYNESS: How the Last Bushmen Can Help Us Endure the Coming Age of Permanent Drought. And journalist Christine Shearer talks about KIVALINA: A Climate Change Story.

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Greg Palast, VULTURE’S PICNIC & Marina Sitrin on #OWS

Greg Palast
Marina Sitrin

Marina Sitrin talks about her essay that appears in the book,  THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING — the first book out about the Occupy Movement. And investigative reporter Greg Palast talks about his latest shocker, VULTURES’ PICNIC: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates, and High-Finance Carnivores.

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Christian Parenti, TROPIC OF CANCER & Marge Bruchac, 1621

Christian Parenti
Marge Bruchac

Christian Parenti talks about his book, TROPIC OF CHAOS: Climate Change and the New Geography of Violence. And Native American storyteller and scholar, Marge Bruchac tells us what really happened at the first Thanksgiving.

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Jeff Sharlet
Chris Hedges

Rolling Stone journalist Jeff Sharlet talks about his terrific book, SWEET HEAVEN WHEN I DIE and Chris Hedges tells us about his book, DEATH OF THE LIBERAL CLASS.

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Noah Charney & Eric Lamet

Eric Lamet
Eric Lamet

Noah Charney talks about STEALING THE MYSTIC LAMB. It’s about the 15th century Ghent Altarpiece and why so many, from Napoleon to the Nazis, coveted it so much, they stole it. And Eric Lamet talks about his memoir as a Jewish child in Mussolini’s Italy. His book is A CHILD AL CONFINO. Continue reading