
Leslie Cerier and Jim Armenti

[amazon-product align=”right”]0757000916[/amazon-product]

Leslie Cerier
Leslie Cerier

Gourmet Organic Chef and Cookbook author Leslie Cerier. You can read two of her recipes here: Raspberry Almond Smoothie and Teff Pancakes.

Also, singer-songwriter Jim Armenti of the Lonesome Brothers talks about The Great Pumpkin Roll and saving local libraries.

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Rasberry Almond Smoothie from GOING WILD IN THE KITCHEN

[amazon-product align=”right”]0757000916[/amazon-product]From cookbook author Leslie Cerier. Listen to Francesca’s interview with Leslie here.

Ingredients: 2 1/2 cups frsh or frozen rasberries, 2 cups almond milk, 1 cup plain yoghurt, 1/2 cup maple syrup, 1/2 tsp almond extract, 1/4 tsp nutmeg

1. Place all ingredients in a blender and puree until smooth.
2. Pour into glasses and serve.

For a Change:

* Substitute pitted cherries, peaches or blueberries for the rasberries.

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Teff Pancakes Recipe from GOING WILD IN THE KITCHEN

[amazon-product align=”right”]0757000916[/amazon-product]

From cookbook author Leslie Cerier. Listen to Francesca’s interview with Leslie here.

Ingredients: 2 Tbs flaxseeds, 2 ripe bananas, 1 1/2 cups vanilla soymilk, 1 Tbs honey, 2 tsp safflower, almond or canola oil, 1 1/2 cups teff flour, 1 Tbs baking powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon, 1/4 tsp salt.

  1. Place flaxseeds in a blender and grind until powdery. Add bananas, soymilk, vanilla, noney, and 1 tsp of the oil. Blend well.
  2. Combine the flour, baking powder, cinnamon, and salt until well combined.
  3. Heat the griddle, cast iron skillet, or large frying pan over medium heat. If it doesn’t have a nonstick surface, brush with remaining oil. Drop heaping tablespoons of batter onto the hot griddle and cook 1 and 1/2 minutes, or until the tops are bubbly and the edges are dry. Using a spatula, turn the pancakes over and cook another minute, or until the bottoms are brown.
  4. Serve immediately with your favorite topping.


For a Change

  • Add 1/4 cup coarsely chopped pecans or walnuts.
  • Use maple sugar or rice syrup instead of honey.
  • Replace soymilk with juice.
  • Add 2 eggs to blender with bananas for added protein [note from Writer’s Voice: this also made the pancakes spread easier in the pan.]


Bill McKibben and David Gessner

Environmentalist Bill McKibben talks about DEEP ECONOMY: The Wealth of Communities and the Durable Future. You can read Writers’ Voice host Francesca Rheannon’s review of the book here.

Also, naturalist writer David Gessner returns to Writer’s Voice to talk about his new book, SOARING WITH FIDEL: An Osprey Odyssey From Cape Cod to Cuba and Beyond.


David Sirota, HOSTILE TAKEOVER and Michelle Goldberg, KINGDOM COMING

In this archived edition of Writer’s Voice, we podcast two interviews from June of 2006. We talk with David Sirota about HOSTILE TAKEOVER: How Big Money and Corruption Conquered Our Government–and How We Take It Back. It’s as relevant today as it was then.

Then we hear from Michelle Goldberg about KINGDOM COMING: The Rise of Christian Nationalism. It’s just out in paperback with an updated introduction.


John Nichols, GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT and Bill MacLeish

In this archived edition of Writer’s Voice, we talk with John Nichols about THE GENIUS OF IMPEACHMENT. Rep. Dennis Kucinich has just introduced articles of impeachment against Dick Cheney.

Also, Bill MacLeish reads from UPHILL WITH ARCHIE, his memoir of his father, poet and playwright, Archibald MacLeish. Writer’s Voice host Francesca Rheannon recorded it at “Five Writers on a Sense of Place”, and event in March of 2007 put on by the Pioneer Valley Institute.


LIGHT WITHIN THE LIGHT, Jeanne Braham and Barry Moser

Author Jeanne Braham and illustrator Barry Moser talk about THE LIGHT WITHIN THE LIGHT: Portraits of Donald Hall, Richard Wilbur, Maxine Kumin, and Stanley Kunitz.

We also hear an excerpt from an archived interview with Maxine Kumin, and the poet reads from JACK AND OTHER NEW POEMS.


Eesha Williams and Sefi Atta

Eesha Williams talks about his updated GRASSROOTS JOURNALISM: A Practical Manual. It’s just come out in paperback from Dollars and Sense Books.
And Nigerian novelist Sefi Atta talks about her EVERYTHING GOOD WILL COME. It was awarded the inaugural Wole Soyinka Prize for Literature in Africa.


Jeremy Scahill and Giuliana Sgrena

Jeremy Scahill, independent journalist and frequent contributor to Pacifica’s Democracy Now!, talks about his explosive new book, BLACKWATER: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army. And Italian journalist, Giuliana Sgrena, talks about FRIENDLY FIRE: The Remarkable Story of a Journalist Kidnapped in Iraq, Rescued by an Italian Secret Service Agent, and Shot by U.S. Forces.


Writers on A Sense of Place, Part Two

The Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts is a region rich in history, natural beauty and writers who take the Valley as their subject. On March 21, 2007, five of those writers read selections from some of their works exploring a sense of place at the Buckland/Shelburne Community Center. Writer’s Voice was there…We’ll also be broadcasting excerpts from the readings on our radio broadcasts throughout the coming months. Continue reading


Writers on A Sense of Place, Part One

The Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts is a region rich in history, natural beauty and writers who take the Valley as their subject. On March 21, 2007, five of those writers read selections from some of their works exploring a sense of place to a packed room of local residents at the Buckland/Shelburne Community Center. Writer’s Voice was there… Continue reading


American Bloomsbury and the Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences

Kitty Florey
Kitty Florey
Susan Cheever
Susan Cheever

We talk to Susan Cheever about [amazon-product text=”American Bloomsbury: Louisa May Alcott, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Margaret Fuller, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and Henry David Thoreau: Their Lives, Their Loves, Their Work” type=”text”]0743264622[/amazon-product].

Cheever is also the author of [amazon-product text=”My Name Is Bill: Bill Wilson–His Life and the Creation of Alcoholics Anonymous ” type=”text”]0743405919[/amazon-product].

And editor and author Kitty Florey tells us about [amazon-product text=”SISTER BERNADETTE’S BARKING DOG: The Quirky History and Lost Art of Diagramming Sentences” type=”text”]0156034433[/amazon-product].