Tag Archives: health


Melody Petersen

Maxine Kumin
Maxine Kumin
Melody Petersen
Melody Petersen

Host Francesca Rheannon talks with reporter and author Melody Petersen about OUR DAILY MEDS. It’s about how the pharmaceutical industry has put marketing above medicine and corrupted our health care system in the process. Also, Maxine Kumin. talks about her poem “Nurture”. Continue reading


The Open-Focus Brain and Surviving Depression

We talk with biofeedback pioneer Les Fehmi about how to focus the mind and improve productivity and mood. His book is THE OPEN FOCUS BRAIN: Harnessing the Power of Attention to Heal Mind and Body. The book comes with an instructional CD to put the method into practice.

Also, what are the societal roots of depression? How can we use community-building to overcome the disease? We hear from psychiatrist Bruce Levine about SURVIVING AMERICA’S DEPRESSION EPIDEMIC: How to Find Morale, Energy, and Community in a World Gone Crazy.