Tag Archives: Nonfiction



Peter Bowerman
Peter Bowerman

Peter Bowerman talks with us live about [amazon-product text=”The Well-Fed Self-Publisher: How to Turn One Book into a Full-Time Living” type=”text”]0967059860[/amazon-product].

The bottom line holds ever more draconian sway over the publishing industry, and that makes it ever harder for writers to get published. But the Internet is opening a new way: self-publishing. Bowerman talks about how the Web fosters niche-marketing and buzz over a long period — and how that can turn authors into “well-fed self-publishers”.


Writer’s Voice: October 6, 2006

Francine Prose
Francine Prose
Spencer Overton
Spencer Overton

We talk with Spencer Overton about his book, [amazon-product text=”STEALING DEMOCRACY: The New Politics of Voter Suppression” type=”text”]0393330931[/amazon-product]. And Francine Prose talks about [amazon-product text=”READING LIKE A WRITER: A Guide for People Who Love Books and For Those Who Want to Write Them” type=”text”]0060777052[/amazon-product]. Continue reading


How Did American Incompetence Create a War Without End?

Peter Galbraith
Peter Galbraith

In this 2006 interview, Peter Galbraith says why he thinks the best solution for ethnic conflict in Iraq is to divide the country into three autonomous ethnic regions: for the Kurds, Shia, and Sunni. He was not a fan of the Bush Administration’s nation-building efforts in Iraq. His predictions of civil war in Iraq proved prescient. As of this 2009 update, the situation has quieted, but Galbraith’s prescription for Kurdish autonomy has largely been carried out. Continue reading