Tag Archives: Richard Michelson


Searching for Whitopia

Richard Michelson
Richard Benjamin
Richard Benjamin

Richard Benjamin talks about SEARCHING FOR WHITOPIA: An Improbable Journey To The Heart Of White America. It’s about his odyssey to discover the hearts and minds of those living in the overwhelmingly white enclaves that are some of the fastest growing communities in the country. And poet and children’s book author Richard Michelson talks about AS GOOD AS ANYBODY. It’s about the friendship between Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. Continue reading


Swerling’s CITY OF GOD and Michelson’s AS GOOD AS ANYBODY

Richard Michelson
Richard Michelson
Beverly Swerling
Beverly Swerling

We talk to novelist Beverly Swerling about the latest in her historical series about Old New York, City of God: A Novel of Passion and Wonder in Old New York. Also, children’s book author Richard Michelson, tells us about his latest, AS GOOD AS ANYBODY: Martin Luther King and Abraham Joshua Heschel’s Amazing March Toward Freedom. Continue reading